Description of Surviving Through Seasons

The Surviving Through Seasons mod offers players the opportunity to experience years of gameplay as the seasons change, without requiring hundreds of hours of gameplay or too short days to do so. With this mod you will always have to prepare for new challenges: cold and lean winters or hot and dry summers.

Main Features:

  1. Dynamic simulation of months:
    • The mod allows the player or world owner to set the maximum number of days in a month from 1 to 15. Based on this value, the mod dynamically simulates a shorter in-game month.
    • For example, if you select 10 days, each day will be skipped by two days. Thus, the gaming month will be shortened.
  2. Impact on gameplay:
    • Time-based sunbox settings (including zombie and loot respawns) will only progress through the natural passage of time in the game or when sleeping.
    • For example, if it is set that the water/electricity will turn off on the 10th day, then when using a mod with 10-day months, the shutdown will occur after a month of game time.

Settings and recommendations:

  • After enabling the mod, the settings can be found in the sunbox menu called “Surviving Through Seasons” (10-day months by default).
  • When playing a game with 10-day (or less) months, it is recommended to set the in-game day length to more than 2 hours so that you have more time to complete tasks.
  • In general, players may want to increase the speed and yield of farming when playing with 10-day (or less) months.


  • The mod must be compatible with all other mods.
  • Tested with B41 and can be added/removed from an existing save (probably works with B40).
  • Compatible with multiplayer and dedicated servers.

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