Description of Daddy Dirkie dirks tiles

“Daddy Dirkie dirks tiles” is a mod for the game Project Zomboid, which provides a collection tiles to create maps and worlds. It is important to note that this mod itself does not affect gameplay, but plays an important role behind the scenes to ensure that all tiles function correctly.

  • “Daddy Dirkie dirks tiles” is a set of tiles that ensures all game tiles function correctly.
  • If you create your own maps or mods, you will need to subscribe to this mod as it is required for other mods that use these tiles.
  • Tiles collection: The mod contains a variety of tiles that can be used to create your own maps and worlds.
  • Mapper support: You are free to use these tiles in your own maps. However, please note that users of your map must also be subscribed to this mod.
  • Copyright: You may use these tiles in your maps as long as you provide attribution.
  • Editing and distribution prohibited: You may not modify or redistribute these tiles without written permission from the author.
  • Additional tiles: The mod also contains tiles from other creators such as Spyjack, Zubludok and Neutz.

Download Daddy Dirkie dirks tiles